Amber Waves Diving Co.
12959 E. 21st Street N
Wichita, KS 67230
Get Directions
(316) 775-6688

Become an Instructor

PADI Assistant Instructor (AI)

Your office: beach, Lives you have changed: scuba divers underwater, Go Pro, Teach ScubaBecome an Assistant Instructor (AI)

In addition to all of the privileges a Divemaster has an AI may also do the following:

  • Teach academic portions of classes with indirect supervision of an   Instructor.
  • Supervise portions of Open Water dives with indirect supervision of an instructor.
  • Independently teach U/W Digital Photography, Peak Performance Buoyancy and Project Aware.
  • Conduct Discover Scuba Diving sessions.
  • Teach Emergency First Response (EFR) classes (after completing an EFR instructor course).

The AI course is the first 1/2 of an Instructor Development Course (IDC). You will be eligible upon successful completion of the AI course to   attend an IDC. Many AI candidates in AI class will continue straight through the next week to complete the IDC.

Who can sign up for an AI class?

  • Be a PADI Divemaster or equivalent certification from qualifying agency in good standing.
  • Hold a dive certification for at least six months
  • Have 60 logged dives that include night, deep and navigation dives
  • Proof of CPR training within the last 24 months
  • Medical clearance signed by a physician

What do I need to know to get started?

  • A typical schedule is 5 days AND we will customize a schedule that meets your needs.
  • You will need a current version of the PADI Open Water, Advanced and Rescue manuals.
  • You will also need the PADI Instructor Crew Pack HIGHLY discounted when you sign up with us (beware of facilities that attempt to library or only sale you an instructor manual, you will end up buying it at a higher price).
  • Course fees are $695.00.
  • Save BIG by signing up for a complete IDC!

What’s next?

  • You may further your dive professional credentials by taking an IDC.
  • Consider making yourself more marketable to dive shops, resorts and live-a-boards by taking as many Con-Ed classes as possible.
  • Consider applying for an intern position here at Amber Waves Diving!

Become an Instructor – Instructor Development Course (IDC)

What is the IDC?

The Instructor Development Course (IDC) is the complete PADI Instructor course combining both Assistant Instructor (AI) and Open Water Scuba Instructor (OWSI) all into one course. Upon successful completion of the IDC you are then eligible for the PADI Instructor Exam (IE). During the IDC we assess your knowledge, skills and confidence in the classroom, confined water and open water and add proven teaching techniques in a very structured method over 9 consecutive days. Upon successful completion of the IE you will then be a PADI Instructor and enjoy all of the benefits.

Who can take an IDC?

The IDC is for any diver that holds the PADI Divemaster (DM) rating or equivalent from another training agency such as NAUI, SSI, SDI etc. and meets the following prerequisites.

What prerequisites are needed to sign up?

  • Proof of PADI DM or equivalent from another training agency.
  • Copy of at least 100 logged dives.
  • Current CPR/1st Aid training.
  • Physician’s clearance from no more than 12 months ago.

What is needed for the IDC?

  • IDC Crew pack (Ask about discount incentives)
  • A full set of scuba equipment in perfect working order (can be rented)
  • Additional items may be required, please contact the Director of Happiness for a personal inventory assessment for a complete checklist (nobody likes surprises).

How much is the IDC?

  • $1390.00
  • IDC Crew pack HIGHLY discounted (when you sign up here)

Are there more expenses?

  • Yes, however if you invest in the PADI Crew pack, pretty much everything you can think of is included. Since everyone is coming into this with ownership of different kinds please contact the Director of Happiness for a personal inventory assessment to ensure you don’t get stuck with extras or come up short.
  • We do NOT believe in surprises. We don’t like them any more than you do. We will thoroughly prepare you well before the OWSI course.
  • At the time that you sign up for the OWSI course you will also be given a checklist down to the most basic item such as a watch!
  • We should not have to mention this but BEWARE of any training facility that attempts to library training materials or lead you to believe that all you need is the PADI Instructor manual and workbook. Once you are there you will be bombarded with SURPRISE sales that can quickly add up.

How long is the IDC?

  • Typically our IDC is 10-12 days. Don’t panic, our schedule is great for most instructor candidates. A typical Schedule is: Sunday 5-10 pm, Monday through Thursday from 12-10 pm, Friday 8 am-5pm, Saturday Noon-10 pm, and Sunday from 8am-Noon.
  • This does not include independent study time, homework and travel time.
  • What about the Instructor Exam (IE)?
  • Upon successful completion of the IDC you are eligible to take the PADI IE.
  • It is best to schedule your IDC very close to your desired IE date to ensure proper knowledge retention.
  • The PADI IE is 2 days, Saturday and Sunday from early to late!
  • During the IE an evaluator not associated with any dive facility will ask you to demonstrate your knowledge, skills and confidence by randomly auditing areas of your teaching ability in the classroom, confined water sand open water settings that you have already been prepared for in our IDC.

If you can’t find information or have questions about becoming a scuba diving instructor, please call (316) 775-6688 or contact us and we’re happy to help!